In this Telugu-language comedy drama sequel to Soggade Chinni Nayana, Chinna Bangarraju (Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, Rarandoi Veduka Chudham) has inherited...
In this Telugu-language comedy drama sequel to Soggade Chinni Nayana, Chinna Bangarraju (Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, Rarandoi Veduka Chudham) has inherited his grandfather’s flirtatious ways but his grandmother only wants to help her lost grandson find true love.
Lonely Bangarraju struggles with the tensions within his large extended family. With the approval of Hindu god Yama, his grandparents return to earth in order to steer him towards love and stability. Directed by Kalyan Krishna (Nela Ticket), Bangarraju features Akkineni Nagarjuna (Wild Dog) and Ramya Krishnan (Super Deluxe) in a reprisal of their roles from Soggade Chinni Nayana. Krithi Shetty (Shyam Singha Roy) also stars as love interest Nagalakshmi.
Bangarraju | Details
- Rating
- TBC,
- Runtime
- 150
- Genre
- Bollywood & Indian Cinema
- Country of origin
- India