Fly-on-the-wall documentary offering a rare peek into the highly-guarded world of professional ballet: Justin Peck, a 25-year old choreographer of...
Fly-on-the-wall documentary offering a rare peek into the highly-guarded world of professional ballet: Justin Peck, a 25-year old choreographer of the New York City Ballet, undertakes the task of creating the company’s 422nd original piece.
"Cinematographer and documentarian Jody Lee Lipes chronicles Peck's creative process from its embryonic stages to its highly anticipated premiere, quietly observing as he balances a roster of musicians, designers, and dancers from this famed institution... A powerful celebration of the skill and endurance of Peck and his fellow NYCB dancers - as well as those who remain hidden in the wings." (Tribeca Film Festival)
Where to watch Ballet 422
Ballet 422 | Details
- Runtime
- 75
- Genre
- Documentary
- Country of origin