Animated adventure follows ambitious young orphan Félicie (Elle Fanning) on her journey to Paris to fulfill her dreams of becoming...
Animated adventure follows ambitious young orphan Félicie (Elle Fanning) on her journey to Paris to fulfill her dreams of becoming a prima ballerina.
1879, Paris: Félicie is a young orphan from Brittany with one passion: dance. She and her best friend and aspiring inventor Victor (Dane DeHaan) devise a madcap plan to escape the orphanage for Paris. Félicie will have to fight like never before to make her wildest dream come true: becoming a prima ballerina at the Paris Opera.
Where to watch Ballerina (Leap!)
Ballerina (Leap!) | Details
- Rating
- U, mild threat
- Runtime
- 89
- Genre
- Adventure, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- France, Canada