From the company that beautifully animated TMNT comes a tale of a young robot in search of acceptance. An anime...
From the company that beautifully animated TMNT comes a tale of a young robot in search of acceptance. An anime icon for decades, this is Astro Boy's cinematic debut.
Dr Tenma (voiced by Nicolas Cage), a brilliant scientist, invents Astro Boy (voiced by Freddie Highmore) after the death of his son. Still grieving, he is disappointed when he realises the new android cannot replace his human boy. Astro, armed with an array of incredible powers, is sent out into a world of gladiator robots. The young boy embarks on a quest for redemption and friendship. He learns to use his strength to save others and later returns to the city he was created in to help defend it from destruction.
Astro Boy | Details
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Country of origin