British animated Christmas comedy from Aardman Animation (Wallace and Gromit, Flushed Away), featuring an all-star British cast including James McAvoy and...
British animated Christmas comedy from Aardman Animation (Wallace and Gromit, Flushed Away), featuring an all-star British cast including James McAvoy and Jim Broadbent, following the Claus family and their ultra-high-tech present delivery operation.
McAvoy voices Arthur, the son of Santa Claus (Jim Broadbent) and Mrs Claus (Imelda Staunton), and brother of Steve (Hugh Laurie). Together the family run the North Pole's Christmas strategy, allowing Santa to deliver gifts to all the world's children in one night.
Also stars the voice talent of Bill Nighy - as 136-year-old Grandsanta, a curmudgeon who hates the modern world and thinks things were better when he delivered the presents - and Ashley Jensen (from TV's Extras), as ambitious elf Bryony from the Giftwrap Battalion. From the writer of Borat and I'm Alan Partridge.