A ragtag group of Arctic misfits must save the world from melting ice caps in this animated comedy featuring the...
A ragtag group of Arctic misfits must save the world from melting ice caps in this animated comedy featuring the voices of Jeremy Renner and John Cleese.
While out on a mail delivery, Swifty the Arctic fox (Renner) stumbles upon a secret fortress where he encounters Doc Walrus (Cleese), an evil genius whose plan is to melt the polar ice caps and flood the world. Swifty enlists the help of his friends: PB (Alec Baldwin), an introverted polar bear, Lemmy (James Franco), a scatterbrained albatross, Sal (Omar Sy) and Weez, two conspiracy theorist otters and Jade Fox (Heidi Klum), a tough-as-nails mechanic, to help him save the day.
Where to watch Arctic Justice
Arctic Justice | Details
- Runtime
- 92
- Genre
- Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- UK, Canada, USA