Another Round

117 mins
Poster for Another Round

Mads Mikkelsen reunites with the Danish director of 2013 Oscar nominee The Hunt for this Oscar-winning story of a group... More

Where to watch Another Round

Another Round is now playing in 5 cinemas in the... More United Kingdom. Another Round is available to stream in the United Kingdom now on Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV and BFI Player Rentals and YouTube and Curzon and Microsoft and MUBI.

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Another Round | Ratings & Reviews

Aah, alcohol: the cause of - and solution to - all life's problems. An intoxicating portrait of masculinity that questions just what drinking does for us. 

"New Zealand’s binge-drinking culture has many downsides, but perhaps one of its rare benefits is that local audiences seeing Another Round may bring with them a similar attitude to alcohol as that demonstrated onscreen by heavy-drinking Danes. “This entire country drinks like maniacs!” a character exclaims at one point—to which Kiwis may opt to shrug “hold my beer”."


"Mikkelsen is magnificent..."


"The film’s sloppy broadness ends up fighting the Dogme style, which keeps telling us that these people are authentic."


"The performances are persuasive and watchable, especially Mikkelsen..."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Has little fresh or profound to say about intoxication and addiction, but it is an engaging tribute to friendship, family and bacchanalian hedonism in moderation."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"It’s a sweet, strangely modest tragicomedy about the pleasures of (mostly banal) excess."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"A parable about breaking a social contract."

Slant MagazineSlant Magazine

"The actor does what only true stars seem able to: Take the silly or messy or improbable, and make it fly."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"The rare movie about getting shitfaced that’s somehow neither a wallow in the gutter nor a fantasy of life without hangovers."

A.V. ClubA.V. Club

"A funny film which is also desperately sad, a superficially amusing indictment of drinking culture which is much more bitter than sweet."

Screen DailyScreen Daily

"It sings, and it sparkles."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"A stinging, gorgeously filmed tragicomedy about male insecurity and the power of positive drinking."

Boston GlobeBoston Globe

"It isn’t prescriptive about drinking, and doesn’t seek to impart any message other than that life is hard, and sometimes dark, and sometimes ecstatically beautiful."

Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune

Another Round | Details

Award winner
Best International Film at the 2021 Academy Awards; Best Film (not in English language) at the 2021 BAFTAs.
Country of origin

Another Round | Trailers