American Gangster

Poster for American Gangster

Nobody used to notice Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington), the quiet driver to one of the inner city's leading black crime... More

Where to watch American Gangster

American Gangster is available to stream in the United Kingdom... More now on Prime Video and Amazon Video and Apple TV Store and Google TV and YouTube and Microsoft.

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American Gangster | Ratings & Reviews

"American Gangster wants to be a great epic crime saga so badly you can feel it. The true story at its core -- of the rise, fall and redemption of a '70s-era Harlem drug lord -- is so terrific, it's amazing it wasn't put onscreen long ago, and it would be difficult today to find two better actors to pit against one another, as hoodlum and cop, respectively, than Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe."


"Call it the black "Scarface" or "the Harlem Godfather" or just one hell of an exciting movie, but the fact-based, 1970s-era American Gangster is already looking like a major awards contender."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"Great story, an even better script and some standout performances. An authentic cinematic snapshot of an era and a scene delivered in style and to the tune of a some great 70's sounds..."


"It takes nerve to call a film American Gangster: It's more than a movie title, it's the name of a venerable genre that dates to cinema's beginnings. But once you see this finely made and richly satisfying film, you understand it's the only title possible."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"An entertaining romp through familiar cop-and-crim cat-and-mousery, bolstered by strong star turns from Washington and Crowe. Still, it has neither the intelligence nor the grip to jump from the merely good to the truly great."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"American Gangster is a film crying out for some insight, context and humanity. What we get is a lumpen parade of set pieces – peopled by simplistic stereotypes – masquerading as the truth. It's entertaining enough, but can you imagine how good this material could have been in the hands of Martin Scorsese or Spike Lee? Exactly..."

Dominion PostDominion Post

"Denzel Washington makes no apologies as the visionary, real-life American Gangster in director Ridley Scott's sharply riveting crime saga. And with Russell Crowe playing the ramshackle detective on Lucas' case, it's a guaranteed shot of pure heart-pumping entertainment."


American Gangster | Details

Drama, True Story & Biography
Country of origin

American Gangster | Trailers