The influential spoof comedy with Lloyd Bridges, Leslie Nielsen and Julie Hagerty, considered one of the great slapstick comedies and...
The influential spoof comedy with Lloyd Bridges, Leslie Nielsen and Julie Hagerty, considered one of the great slapstick comedies and named the 10th funniest comedy ever by the American Film Institute in 2000. Parodying disaster movies, the absurd action takes place aboard a flight in which the crew takes ill and an ex-pilot with a fear of flying is called on to land the plane.
In 2012, the Amazon-owned Lovefilm streaming service declared Airplane! has the most laughs per minute of any comedy - with one coming every twenty seconds.
Peter Farrelly (one half of the brothers responsible for There's Something About Mary and Dumb and Dumber) told the New York Times in 2010: "Seeing it for the first time was like going to a great rock concert, like seeing Led Zeppelin or the Talking Heads. We didn’t realise until later that what we’d seen was a very specific kind of comedy that we now call the Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker school... I’ll tell you right now, if the Zuckers didn’t exist, there would be no Farrelly brothers."
Where to watch Airplane!
Airplane! | Details
- Runtime
- 88
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin