A mad, Japanese anime musical featuring singing skeletons, dancing anatomical models and gun-wielding rabbits. The Legend of the Midnight Party...
A mad, Japanese anime musical featuring singing skeletons, dancing anatomical models and gun-wielding rabbits. The Legend of the Midnight Party at St Claire's Elementary School is frightening but that won’t stop excited kindergarteners Miko, Mako and Mutsuko from exploring their creepy new school after dark.
Invited by anatomical model Kunstlijk and a skeleton named Goth to the midnight party, the three girls arrive in the dead of night. They are faced with a set of challenges which, if completed, will allow Kunstlijk and Goth's doomed science classroom to be saved. Complications arise though with Kunstlijk, whose mannequin body (and not least, his manhood) was vandalised by the girls, vowing revenge.
After School Midnighters | Details
- Runtime
- 95
- Genre
- Comedy, Fantasy, Kids & Family
- Country of origin
- Japan