Touted as “India’s first 3D dance film,” this Bollywood flick follows a talented down-on-his-luck dancer who decides to help an...
Touted as “India’s first 3D dance film,” this Bollywood flick follows a talented down-on-his-luck dancer who decides to help an aspiring group prep for Mumbai’s upcoming Dance Battle competition.
For Vishnu (Prabhudheva), widely regarded as India's best dancer, dance is more than a passion - it's the reason he lives. So when his manipulative business partner throws him out of the very dance academy he started, the heart-broken Vishnu decides to give up dance and leave Mumbai forever. However, the night before his departure, he comes across a group of dancers preparing for the upcoming Ganpati Dance Battle - an annual festival that pits Mumbai's best dance groups against each other. Inspired by the raw talent, Vishnu helps the disparate group overcome their personal rivalries and past demons to turn them into India's best dance squad.
ABCD (Any Body Can Dance) | Details
- Runtime
- 160
- Genre
- Bollywood & Indian Cinema
- Country of origin
- India