"Based on a cult Belgian TV series that centres around three kids’ toys, this crudely animated stop-motion flight of surreal...
"Based on a cult Belgian TV series that centres around three kids’ toys, this crudely animated stop-motion flight of surreal lunacy was expanded to feature length and went on to win over Cannes and critics worldwide.
The weirdness centres on three figurines named Cowboy, Indian and Horse who all share a house in a rural town that is plagued by strange occurrences. A decision to surprise Horse with a barbeque sets off a deranged series of events as the plastique-fantastique trio embark on a journey of unparalleled oddness involving: a giant snowball-throwing penguin robot; horse love; parachuting cows; and an underwater universe of pointy-headed miscreants.
The incredible inventiveness of creators Stéphane Aubier and Vincent Patar keeps you transfixed throughout its brief running time. Well, that and a big fat doobie beforehand probably wouldn’t hurt either." (New Zealand International Film Festival 2010)
Where to watch A Town Called Panic
A Town Called Panic | Details
- Award winner
- Winner of the Audience Award at Austin Fantastic Fest 2009.
- Runtime
- 75
- Genre
- Country of origin
- Belgium, Luxembourg, France