Black comedy, set during the Bosnian conflict, starring Benicio del Toro and Tim Robbins as two aid workers trying to...
Black comedy, set during the Bosnian conflict, starring Benicio del Toro and Tim Robbins as two aid workers trying to get on with their work in the face of war-time bureaucracy, corruption and cultural misunderstandings. This is the English-language debut from Spanish director Fernando León de Aranoa.
"It's somewhere in the Balkans toward the end of the mid-90s conflict, and two veteran aid workers played by Benicio del Toro and Tim Robbins, have been instructed to remove an oversized corpse from a well in a remote mountain village. They must work quickly before the water supply becomes contaminated, however obtaining the required rope is virtually impossible.
"Joined by an interpreter, a French aid worker and a glamorous "conflict evaluator", their collective determination is matched by overwhelming obstacles: distrusting locals, inefficient UN officials and the constant presence of land mines." (Melbourne International Film Festival)
Where to watch A Perfect Day
A Perfect Day | Details
- Runtime
- 106
- Genre
- Drama, War
- Country of origin
- Spain