Casey Affleck posthumously returns to his home as a spirit and tries to reconnect with his former lover (Rooney Mara)...
Casey Affleck posthumously returns to his home as a spirit and tries to reconnect with his former lover (Rooney Mara) in this David Lowery drama.
"Lowery's meticulously sparse narrative contemplates a spectral figure who was once a man (Affleck). Prematurely taken from this Earth, he makes his way toward his former home, where he is fated to remain forevermore. Shrouded in a white sheet, he observes the lament of his grief-stricken lover (Mara). Bearing unseen witness to her pain, the wisp stands sentry for years to come, interacting only with time as it hurtles further and further forward, the remnants of his humanity quietly evaporating." (Sundance Film Festival)
Where to watch A Ghost Story
A Ghost Story | Details
- Rating
- 12A, infrequent strong language, images of dead bodies
- Runtime
- 87
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin