Andrew Garfield and Michael Shannon lead this charged, Venice Film Festival-winning drama. After being evicted from their home, a family's...
Andrew Garfield and Michael Shannon lead this charged, Venice Film Festival-winning drama. After being evicted from their home, a family's father - desperate for cash - becomes the reluctant employee of the ruthless real estate broker who kicked them out. Co-stars Laura Dern.
Dennis Nash (Garfield) is caught from both sides by a property slump - a construction worker by trade, he can't find work, plus the bank has foreclosed on his family home, and they're turfed out. Suddenly on the streets with no assets or income, a chance meeting sees Nash literally shoveling crap for ruthless real estate operator Rick Carver (Shannon). Seeing something in Nash, Carver puts him to work, introducing him to the shady games played in the aftermath of a burst property bubble. There's money to be made, but there are also lives to be destroyed...
Where to watch 99 Homes
99 Homes | Details
- Award winner
- SIGNIS Award - Honorable Mention and Vittorio Veneto Film Festival Award winner at Venice Film Festival 2014
- Rating
- 15, strong language, sex references
- Runtime
- 112
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin