
Cécile De France

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Poster for Summertime (La Belle Saison)

Summertime (La Belle Saison)

105 mins|92%73%
Cécile De France and Izïa Higelin play...
Cécile De France and Izïa Higelin play lovers against the backdrop of feminist activism in 1970s France in this 2015 release from veteran French director Catherine Corsini.
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Poster for Chinese Puzzle

Chinese Puzzle

117 mins|79%67%
Audrey Tautou and Romain Duris star in...
Audrey Tautou and Romain Duris star in this French romantic comedy, set in New York and from the director of The Spanish Apartment. After his wife and kids leave him, Xavier follows them to the Big Apple...
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Poster for High Tension

High Tension

R91 mins|41%67%
For best friends Marie and Alexia, a...
For best friends Marie and Alexia, a quiet night away turns into a tense battle for their lives in this home invasion thriller from Alexandre Aja (Crawl).
Poster for Hereafter


From director Clint Eastwood and writer Peter...
From director Clint Eastwood and writer Peter Morgan (The Queen, The Last King of Scotland), a dramatic thriller with Matt Damon starring as a former professional psychic.
Poster for In Harmony

In Harmony

French drama starring Albert Dupontel as an...
French drama starring Albert Dupontel as an injured equestrian rider who finds love with his insurance claim officer (Cécile de France).
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Poster for The Kid with a Bike

The Kid with a Bike

Cannes-winning French drama about a wild 11-year-old...
Cannes-winning French drama about a wild 11-year-old boy rebounding between the judicious care of a kind, single woman and the blandishments of a streetwise older boy.
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