Harry Brown

103 mins
Poster for Harry Brown

In this British thriller, Sir Michael Caine plays Harry Brown, a modest, law-abiding widower who lives in a depressing council... More

Where to watch Harry Brown

Harry Brown is available to stream in the United Kingdom... More now on Amazon Video and Disney+ and Google TV and BFI Player Rentals and YouTube and Starz and Chili and Microsoft.

Harry Brown | Ratings & Reviews

"Ever-watchable, Michael Caine enriches damn near everything he appears in, and he elevates this grim vigilante-fest from pretty darn good to essential viewing. Not for the squeamish, Harry Brown is chilling from its kinetic and brutal opening frames right through to the increasingly explosive violence inflicted by both Brown and the truly horrible council estate scumbags he pits himself against."


"Bleak, gripping, sporadically exciting drama."


"The hero might be Brown, but Harry is black and white in its treatment of inner-city blight. When all the bullets are spent you’re left with the dubious aftertaste of exploitation, but Sir Michael’s charisma keeps you watching."

Total FilmTotal Film

"Mr. Caine is one of the few reasons to sit through Harry Brown, an exercise in art-house exploitation directed by Daniel Barber and tarted up with self-importance and a generally striking visual design."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"This movie plays better than perhaps it should. Directed as a debut by Daniel Barber, it places story and character above manufactured "thrills" and works better."

Roger EbertRoger Ebert

"A nasty piece of work"

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"It's a strong directing debut for Barber, who uses the poignant power of Harry's experience to take a universal cut at decaying communities and the poverty of soul as well as pocket."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Essential stuff, even by the big man’s considerable standards."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"Clearly it's the week for films you've seen before being done again with better actors."

Dominion PostDominion Post

"Hell is other people. This is especially true if you live on Harry Brown's housing estate."

Christchurch PressChristchurch Press

Harry Brown | Details

Drama, Thriller
Country of origin

Harry Brown | Trailers